What Now? Here’s how to make each day different


Here we are, on the cusp of another month of the COVID-19 world. You might be thinking to yourself, "I can't take another minute of this." Let's talk about some things that you can do to combat this.

1. Use a Schedule --- Create a Routine.

You may not have a specific activity or task to complete, but you can create one! Try to make a routine of your waking and sleeping times. How might you like to start your morning? A cup of coffee on the patio with a book, tidying up the house, getting in some physical activity or mental exercise. You could have a plan to start your morning the same way each day or you might consider switching it up. Mondays are for Meditation. Tuesdays are for Tunes. You see what I've done here. Make it fun and exciting!

Start with identifying tasks that you will complete everyday like bathing, eating, taking medication, and whatever else is important to you. Then fill in the space with tasks that you will need to complete for the week. Some ideas might be laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping, etc. Now that you have the skeleton complete, fill in the rest. Try new activities. Schedule time for your mental health. Make a point to connect with friends.

And don't forget to schedule time to make your schedule!

2. Make Mental Health a Priority.

Are you a social person? Arrange time to be social - schedule a video party, use an app where you can play interactive games with your friends while video chatting.

Keep tabs on the amount of time you are spending on social media. Be careful not to compare yourself to the ways others are handling the current circumstances. We all deal with things differently.

Take time to practice mindfulness activities. This could include yoga, guided meditation, breathing exercises, or mindful activities like coloring. There are many apps, videos, or online options for free. Some yoga groups are offering virtual classes, both live and recorded. This is an opportunity to try something that you've been waiting to start.

See a professional. Many therapists are using teletherapy. The therapist is trained to ensure that you will get the same experience from this as you would in person. Just be sure the therapist is licensed and legitimate.

3. Be Creative.

Try a new activity like knitting or painting. Many craft stores are offering curbside delivery or mail delivery to your home.

Turn a TV show into a family activity. Have your own version of a talent show. Compete in a cooking contest with mystery items.

Watch social media for "live" on-line events. Many organizations are hosting things such as concerts and painting events. Take the opportunity to make a night of this. Have a nice dinner, plan to participate together. You might ask a friend to join you virtually or include a significant other.

4. Get Physical.

Focus on ways that you can ensure your body is getting exercise. This doesn't have to be running a mile. If you are looking for light activity, you might consider yoga, aerobics, stretching, or taking a walk through your yard.

5. Take Time To Yourself.

You may need to ensure that you are finding time yourself. Maybe this is sitting on the porch reading a book. Maybe it's taking a warm bath at the end of the day. Several of the activities mentioned earlier can be done alone or with another.

Let's start now. Share your ideas, tips, and tricks for helping to keep yourself well during this time!


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